Tuesday, August 5, 2008


You know that February is mustache month. In March of this year, I was clean-shaven for a bit, then grew a goatee. By April, I had decided to grow back the entire beard, and by the middle of May, I decided to stop shaving or trimming at all until after the New York State Bar Exam. I looked like this:

Now the Bar Exam is over. Chester A. Arthur looked like this:

Paul Tuetul Sr. looks like this:

Issac from the Love Boat looked like this:

Jason Giambi looked like this:

Now I look like this:

Does anybody else's face hurt, like a lot?


Beers said...

This is the best blog post EVER!

Alex said...

Dude, the Chester A. Arthur is awesome.

Jake said...

Wow. Now thats what I call a fucking DHKA post. Welcome the fuck back.

Weas said...

Hey Chet,
You look a tiny bit like Pete without the beard.

The Humanist said...

Awesome post Dave.

Although I would have liked to see the Rollie Fingers. Or the Lemmy

The Cozy Herbivore said...

What's up, Dave?! According to Matthew James Holl, you and I vie for his internet attention with our superb blogs. And let me just tell you, after gazing up your most recent post, I'm inclined to agree.

Anyway, here's me, so we can bask in our awesomeness together.


(And I must admit that I enjoy the full beard. Did you find little flecks of food in it often?)

Anonymous said...

so? Where's the new blog material? Huh? Huh?

Anonymous said...

why do you not participate here: