Friday, March 14, 2008

The end of the BufBloPoFo

I started this blog just in time to participate in The Fortnight, and when I click on "Publish Post", I will have done it. 14 posts, in on time, one a day, for two weeks. Dang. Back in the Heyday of the dhka, I never remember hitting it this hard, that was two or three articles in a week. And there was rust on the old melon-jelly (I just made that up. It means "brain".), but somehow I shook out several hundreds words. Yea for me and yea for everyone else who successfully participated. Meh for those who were less than successful. Bladdily-boo to those who didn't even try. Mackely-frap-kanoob to those who still don't know what the BufBloPoFo is.

Since I didn't have a blog a year ago, I'll just write myself a few notes to be answered a year from now:

Did you pass the bar yet, dummy?
Did you get a job yet, lazy?
Did you buy a house yet, house-less guy?
Do you have dependable transportation?
What was your favorite car?
Are you still keeping in touch with your friends thru the blogosphere?
Do you ever socialize with anyone in person?
What's your favorite planet?
Are you still brewing your own beer?
Do you have a business model in place yet to start selling it?
Do you still want to own a bar?
How much do you weigh?
Does Zeppelin still rule?

Alright, that should serve as a good follow up to this year's Fortnight and be a nice place to work from next year. Congrats to all those who stuck it all the way out. I may not have read every word of every person's blog, but I recognize what a challenge it was, and I salute you.

For those who were just spectators this year, remember: once mustache month rolls around, it's time to start thinking of the BufBloPoFo. I recommend you stop blogging in mid February, and save up all of your good ideas. Otherwise the content starts looking a little thin round the tenth.

Cheers to Garvey for initiating it all, and for following through despite two beautiful baby reasons to ignore his computer. If you ever leave your house and I ever get a job, I'll buy you a beer.


lisa said...

dave hoffmann, you are a funny, funny man. i have really enjoyed reading your blog - and i learned so much about you! there's a big softie somewhere behind that moustache. and thanks for calling my babies beautiful. see you monday night.

Anonymous said...

the only thing inside of you is salt.

Anonymous said...

...and thus ends another thrilling blog ride with dhka. I anxiously await the next posting and pray that I don't have to wait for BufBloPoFoII.